
Balkan Kaleidoscope

Timespan:01/08/2017 – 01/31/2019
Donor:European Commission (Europe for Citizens - Strand 1: European Remembrance)
Applicant:LDA Subotica (Subotica / Serbia)
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Balkan Kaleidoscope

Balkan Kaleidoscope

Trajanje projekta: 01/08/2017 – 31/01/2019

Donator: Europska komisija (Europa za građane – Cjelina 1: Europsko sjećanje)

Aplikant: LDA Subotica (Subotica / Srbija)

Partneri: European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA (Strasbourg / Francuska), Local Democracy Agency Knjaževac (Knjaževac / Srbija); Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar (Mostar / Bosna i Hercegovina); Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići (Zavidovići / Bosna i Hercegovina); Local Democracy Agency Prijedor (Prijedor / Bosna i Hercegovina); KulturLife (Kiel / Njemačka); The Institute of National History (Skoplje / Sjeverna Makedonija); Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights (Osijek / Hrvatska); Municipality of Ravenna (Ravenna / Italija); SPES – Lazio Volunteer Service Center (Lazio / Italija); Sombor Educational Center (Sombor / Srbija); Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU) (Ljubljana / Slovenija).  

Opis projekta: Projekt upoznaje učenike i nastavnike o važnosti multiperspektivnosti u učenju historije i ukazuje na važnost znanja o jugoslovenskim ratovima kao osnovnom sredstvu za razumjevanje sadašnjosti. U projekt je uključeno 13 partnera, iz 8 različitih zemalja Europe i područja Balkana.

Opći ciljevi: Projekt skreće pažnju na značaj i vrijednost oralne tradicije i promatranje slike iz više kutova u historijskom narativu. Projekt ima za cilj promovirati mladim ljudima dublje razumijevanje zajedničke europske historije, zajedničkih vrijednosti i razvijanja poštovanja, tolerancije i uvažavanja europske raznolikosti zasnovane na uspomenama jugoslovenskih ratova i njihovim posljedicama za modernu Europu i njeno društvo, te značaj inzistiranja na osnovama EU integracija.

Specifični ciljevi: Projekt ima namjeru pomoći mladim ljudima diljem Europe da bolje razumiju kompleksnost I delikatnost interkulturalnog dijaloga dok razvijaju edukacijske kapacitete u svrhu služenja medodologijom različitih perspektiva kao alata lakog za korištenje, zatim osobnih svjedočanstava i narativa koji njeguju kritičko razmišljanje i nepristranost. Kroz ove vrijednosti projekat osnažuje razmišljanje o važnosti mira u Europi, kao i razumijevanje ciljeva i obaveza postignutih na području balkanskih zemalja ka demokratskim reformama i napretku ka EU integracijama.



Balkan Kaleidoscope – finalni izvještaj

Web stranica projekta:  www.balkankaleidoscope.net


Balkan Kaleidoscope

Timespan: 01/08/2017 – 31/01/2019

Donor: European Commission (Europe for Citizens – Strand 1: European Remembrance)

Applicant: LDA Subotica (Subotica / Serbia)

Partners: European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA (Strasbourg / France), Local Democracy Agency Knjaževac (Knjazevac / Serbia); Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar (Mostar / Bosnia and Herzegovina); Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići (Zavidovići / Bosnia and Herzegovina); Local Democracy Agency Prijedor (Prijedor / Bosnia and Herzegovina); KulturLife (Kiel / Germany); The Institute of National History (Skoplje / North Macedonia); Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights (Osijek / Croatia); Municipality of Ravenna (Ravenna / Italy); SPES – Lazio Volunteer Service Center (Lazio / Italy); Sombor Educational Center (Sombor / Serbia); Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU) (Ljubljana / Slovenia).  

Description: Project introduces students and teachers to the importance of multiperspectivity in learning history and indicates the knowledge of Yugoslav Wars as fundamental tool to understand the present. Thirteen partners from 8 different countries of Europe and Western Balkans area are involved in the project implemenation.


  • Bring attention to importance and value of oral history and multiperspectivity in historic narrative.
  • Develop teachers’ capacities for using multiperspective methodology, personal narratives and oral history, participative and interactive methods starting from Western Balkans most recent history.
  • Promote among young people a deeper understanding of Europe’s shared history and common values, develop respect, tolerance and appreciation of European diversity on the background of remembrance of Yugoslav Wars and efforts for European integration. Help them to better understand the complex and sensitive issues of intercultural and interethnic dialogue.
  • Reflect of importance of peace in Europe and of furthering the EU integration.


1. Lauching event

15/18 November 2017

  • An international event in Osijek, Croatia, is going to take place from 25 to 28 October 2017;
  • The event will consist of training for 22 selected teachers on multiperspectivity in History teaching following the question: “How to incorporate this approach into classes and extra-curricula activities with youth groups in its own local communities?”
  • Main objective: to prepare pilot training modules to be applied in respective local communities.

Expected results:

  • 22 teachers familiarised about the projects’ objectives, time frame and methodology;
  • 22 teachers with an enlarged knowledge about: multiperspectivity in teaching history, importance of personal narratives and oral history, participative and interactive methods suitable for classes;
  • 22 teachers that exchanged local teaching methodology and set base for cooperation.

2. Local activities in partner countries

1 November 2017 – 30 June 2018

  • 6 countries involved: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia;
  • 10 local project activities implemented/coordinated by 10 partners in the 6 countries involved;
  • Students of the 22 teachers trained in Osijek (approx. 20 for teacher) learn and reflect on the Yugoslav Wars in history classes/training workshops/non-formal education workshops.

Expected results:

  • Innovative History teaching approach and methods adopted for primary/secondary education;
  • At least 440 students that learned about Yugoslav Wars and significance for contemporary history;
  • Personal research projects made and processed by students thanks to the help of their teachers.

3. Online platform for students’ projects

1 November 2017 – 31 December 2018

  • Testimonies recorded by the students during local research activities are translated and published on an interactive platform developed specifically for the project.

Expected results:

  • All testimonies recorded/drafted and prepared in written/audio/filmed format by the students during their activities are published on the platform in the language of record;
  • 180 testimonies are selected and translated into English.

4. International conference

26/28 September 2018

  • An international conference in Mostar, Bosnia and Hersegovina, is going to take place from 26 to 28 September 2018;
  • The event will focus on the deconstruction of former Yugoslavia;
  • Main objective: to allow experts, teachers and students involved in the project present their multiperspective approach to history and share their personal testimonies, narratives and methods.

Expected results:

  • 22 teachers and 22 selected students participating at the open conference together with invited guests and experts.

5. Monitoring and evaluation

1 August 2017 – 31 January 2019

  • All partners monitor the proceeding of the projects with teachers’ help;
  • Following this, a final evaluation report will give the summary of activities and results.

Expected results:

  • Production of the final report of the project



Balkan Kaleidoscope – final report

Projects’ official webpage:  www.balkankaleidoscope.net