Online round table Regarding the problems of migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina On June 17th, 2021, was held an online round table regarding the problems of migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized by Iscomet and the Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar. If you missed the live event, you can catch up watching the event video More
Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” As a part of “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” research activities, from now on, we will post Interviews with relevant stakeholders discussing topic of Non Formal Learning/Education. First Interview was conducted by LDA Mostar. Our interlocutor was Denis Pajic, dr. sc., Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law, Dzemal...Read More
How is Non-Formal Learning perceived and ranked in your country – help us find out! As a part of Youth Ambassadors for Non-Formal Learning (YAMNFL) activities, project partners are conducting a research within their respective countries on existing policies related to recognition and validation of Non-Formal Learning (NFL) as well as on successful stories of...Read More
Objavljeno je izvješće o aktivnostima Agencije lokalne demokratije Mostar za 2019. godinu. LDA Mostar tim je iznimno vrijedno radio proteklu godinu dana, kao i uvijek, entuzijastično ulažući napore u svrhu demokratizacije društva koristeći različite teme, metode i alate. U 2019. godini radili smo na: 12 projekta velikom broju lokalnih aktivnosti sudjelovali na brojnim međunarodnim događajima...Read More
Sudionici foruma naglasili važnost očuvanja i promocije lokalnog kulturnog nasljeđa U organizaciji LDA Mostar danas je u prostorijama Code Hub Mostar održan Forum ”Naše kulturno nasljeđe”, koji je jedna od aktivnosti našeg projekta CLINK – Cultural heritage LINKing diversities in Europe, sufinanciranog kroz EU program Europa za građane. Na Forumu su sudjelovali predstavnici relevantnih javnih institucija, obrazovnih ustanova,...Read More
Forum participants stressed the importance of local cultural heritage protection and promotion Community Forum “Our Cultural Heritage”, organized by Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar, took place in Code Hub Mostar on March 12, 2020. Representatives of the relevant public institutions, educational institutions, the private and non-governmental sectors, as well as individuals contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage, participated...Read More
Seminar ”Upotreba Corine Land Cover i alati za analizu pokrivenosti i upotrebe zemljišta” održan u Zavidovićima Seminar na temu „Upotreba Corine Land Cover i alati za analizu pokrivenosti i upotrebe zemljišta“ održan je u Zavidovićima 28. novembra/studenog, 2019. godine. CORINE znači koordinacija informacija o stanju okruženja i pokrivenosti tla i uključuje akcije dizajniranog praćenja stanja...Read More
Želiš biti dio pozitivnih promjena? Želiš biti aktivan? Napredovati i doprinijeti napretku svoje zajednice? Imaš ideju? Treba ti podrška? Postani LDA volonter/ka… …jer tako možeš steći nova iskustva i znanja, razviti komunikacijske i organizacijske sposobnosti, proširiti svoju socijalnu mrežu, te naučiti kako na zanimljiv i inovativan način prenijeti znanje. Steći ćeš nove prijatelje, priliku da...Read More
For the 2nd International gathering of the CLINK Project, Cultural Heritage Linking Diversities in Europe, the project partners traveled to Serbia on the 12th and 13th September 2019. In the city of Knjazevac located in the eastern part of the country, they had the opportunity to explore traditional crafts and to discover innovative stories. The...Read More
Comeback of the craft-making culture The second international event within the project “Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe – CLINK” will take place 12 – 13 September 2019 in Knjazevac, Serbia. This international gathering focuses on the topic of “Cultural heritage as a source of urban regeneration: comeback of the craft-making culture”. The event will bring...Read More