Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih
Trajanje projekta: 05/11/2019 – 04/05/2022
(suspenzija projektnih aktivnosti zbog krize uzrokovane COVID-19: 01/03/2021 – 30/06/2021)
Donator: Erasmus+ (KA2 – Suradnja za inovacije i razmjenu dobrih praksi – Izgradnja kapaciteta u području mladih)
Uz podršku: Institut za razvoj mladih KULT
Projekt podržalo Federalno ministarstvo kulture i sporta
Aplikant: Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar (LDA Mostar)
Partneri: Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Novo mesto / Slovenija); The Future Now Association (Sofija / Bugarska); Kosovo Center of Diplomacy (Priština / Kosovo*); United Societies of Balkans (Thessaloniki / Grčka); Youth 4 Society (Tirana / Albanija); Center for Intercultural Dialogue (Kumanovo / Sjeverna Makedonija); Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet – ZID (ADP-ZID) (Podgorica / Crna Gora); NGO IUVENTA (Šabac / Srbija); Turk Girisim ve Is Dunyasi Konfederasyonu (Istanbul / Turska); TDM 2000 (Cagliari / Italija).
Opći cilj:
Projekt ima za cilj promovirati učešće u aktivnostima neformalnog obrazovanja i promovirati važnost potvrđivanja i priznavanja kompetencija stečenih izvan formalnog obrazovnog okruženja koristeći inovativnu metodologiju.
Projektom se želi uzeti u obzir ono što je do sada učinjeno na ovom području, istraživanjem najboljih praksi i uspješnih priča i pripremiti se za rad na terenu kako bi se ojačala važnost neformalnog učenja.
Specifični ciljevi:
Projekt se temelji na neformalnom obrazovanju i radi na razvijanju nove metodologije ”Ambasadora za neformalno obrazovanje mladih”, obučenih mladih koji se mogu služiti peer-to-peer pristupom pružajući svoje iskustvo kako bi nadahnuli druge mlade ljude i relevantne dionike ka višem vrednovanju i boljem korištenju NFL iskustva.
Plan aktivnosti:
Kontaktiraj koordinatora projekta
Kick off meeting of Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning Partners
1 Istraživačke aktivnosti
1.1 Intervjui s relevantnim stakeholderima
1.1.1 YAMNFL – Interview no1 (LDA Mostar)
1.1.2 YAMNFL – Interview no2 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.3 YAMNFL – Interview no3 (Associazione TDM 2000)
1.1.4 YAMNFL – Interview no4 (Kosovo Center of Diplomacy)
1.1.5 YAMNFL – Interview no5 (United Societies of Balkans)
1.1.6 YAMNFL – Interview no6 (The Future Now Association)
1.1.7 YAMNFL – Interview no7 (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu)
1.1.8 YAMNFL – Interview no8 (Center for Intercultural Dialogue)
1.1.9 YAMNFL – Interview no9 (NGO Iuventa)
1.1.10 YAMNFL – Interview no10 (ADP-ZID)
1.1.11 YAMNFL – Interview no11 (LDA MOSTAR)
1.1.12 YAMNFL – Interview no12 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.13 YAMNFL – Interview no 13 (Youth 4 Society)
1.1.14 YAMNFL – Interview no14 (Associazione TDM 2000)
1.1 15 YAMNFL – Interview no15 (Center for Intercultural Dialogue)
1.1.16 YAMNFL – Interview no16 (Kosovo Center of Diplomacy)
1.1.17 YAMNFL – Interview no17 (The Future Now)
1.1.18 YAMNFL – Interview no18 (United Societies of Balkans)
1.1.19 YAMNFL – Interview no19 (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu)
1.1.20 YAMFL – Interview no20 (NGO Iuventa)
1.1.21 YAMNFL – Interview no21 (ADP-ZID)
1.1.22 YAMNFL – Interview no22 (Youth 4 Society)
1.1.23 YAMNFL – Interview no23 (LDA Mostar)
1.1.24 YAMNFL – Interview no 24 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.25 YAMNFL – Interview no25 (Associazione TDM 2000)
1.1.26 YAMNFL – Interview no 26 (Kosovo Center of Diplomacy)
1.1.27 YAMNFL – Interview no27 (United Societies of Balkans)
1.1.28 YAMNFL – Interview no 28 (The Future Now Association)
1.1.29 YAMNFL – Interview no 29 (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu)
1.1.30 YAMNF – Interview no 30 (Center for Intercultural Dialogue)
1.1.31 YAMNFL – Interview no 31 (NGO Iuventa)
1.1.32 YAMNFL – Interview no 32 (ADP-ZID)
1.1.33 YAMNFL – Interview no 33 (Youth 4 Society)
1.1.34 YAMNFL – Interview no 34 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.35 YAMNFL – Interview no 35 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.36 YAMNFL – Interview no 36 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.2 Blogovi o NFL
1.2.a Blog napisao Amil Brkovic (LDA Mostar)
1.2.b Blog napisala Jessica Vagni (United Societies of Balkans)
1.2.c Blog napisala Nia Donova (The Future Now Association)
1.2.d Blog napisala Begüm Seyhan (Türkonfed)
1.2.e Blog napisao Joan Bushi (Youth 4 Society)
1.2.f Blog napisala Mateja Lozar (Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto)
1.2.g Blog napisala Sara Kljajic (LDA Mostar)
1.2.h Blog napisala Andrijana Tashevska (CID)
1.3 Članci koje su napisali projektni partneri
1.3.a Article written by Türkonfed
1.3.b Article written by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4. Fokus grupe
1.4.1 First Focus Group organized by Youth 4 Society
1.4.2 First Focus Group organized by The Future Now Association
1.4.3 Second Focus Group organized by The Future Now Association
1.4.4 First Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.5 Second Focus Group organized by Youth 4 Society
1.4.6 First Focus Group organized by Türkonfed
1.4.7 First Focus Group organized by LDA Mostar
1.4.8 First Focus Group organized by Kosove Center of Diplomacy
1.4.9 Second Focus Group organized by LDA Mostar
1.4.10 First Focus Group organized by Associazione TDM 2000
1.4.11 First Focus Group organized by United Societies of Balkans
1.4.12 Second Focus Group organized by Kosovo Center of Diplomacy
1.4.13. Second Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.14 First Focus Group organized by Center for Intercultural Dialogue
1.4.15 Second Focus Group organized by Türkonfed
1.4.16. Second Focus Group organized by Associazione TDM 2000
1.4.17 Second Focus Group organized by United Societies of Balkans
1.4.18. Third Focus Group organized by Türkonfed
1.4.19 Third Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.20 First Focus Group organized by NGO IUVENTA
1.4.21 Second Focus Group organized by NGO IUVENTA
1.4.22 First Focus Group organized by ADP-ZID
1.4.23 Second Focus Group organized by ADP-ZID
1.4.24 Fourth Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.25 Second Focus Group organized by Center For Intercultural Dialogue
1.5 YAMNFL – Erasmus Days Celebration 2020
1.8 Katalog inspirativnih priča o neformalnom obrazovanju
Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning
Timespan: 05/11/2019 – 04/05/2022
(suspension of the project activities due to the COVID-19 crisis: 01/03/2021 – 30/06/2021)
Donor: Erasmus+ (KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Youth)
Supported by: Institute for Youth Development KULT
Supported by: Federalno ministarstvo kulture i sporta
Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar)
Partners: Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Novo mesto / Slovenia); The Future Now Association (Sofia / Bulgaria); Kosovo Center of Diplomacy (Prishtina / Kosovo*); United Societies of Balkans (Thessaloniki / Greece); Youth 4 Society (Tirana / Albania); Center for Intercultural Dialogue (Kumanovo / North Macedonia); Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet – ZID (ADP-ZID) (Podgorica / Montenegro); NGO IUVENTA (Šabac / Serbia); Turk Girisim ve Is Dunyasi Konfederasyonu (Istanbul / Turkey); TDM 2000 (Cagliari / Italy).
General Objective:
The project aims at promoting participation in Non Formal Education activities and the power of validation and recognition of competences acquired outside the formal education environment through an innovative methodology.
Project wants to take into consideration what has been done so far within this area, research for best practices and successful stories, and get ready to go on the field to reinforce the importance of Non Formal Learning.
Specific Objectives:
The project is based upon Non Formal Education and is working to develop the new methodology of the Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Education, trained youngsters which can use peer-to-peer approach providing their experience to inspire other young people and relevant stakeholders in giving a higher credit and a better use to NFL experiences.
Activity plan:
Kick off meeting of Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning Partners
1 Research activities
1.1. Interviews with relevant Stakeholders
1.1.1 YAMNFL – Interview no1 (LDA Mostar)
1.1.2 YAMNFL – Interview no2 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.3 YAMNFL – Interview no3 (Associazione TDM 2000)
1.1.4 YAMNFL – Interview no4 (Kosovo Center of Diplomacy)
1.1.5 YAMNFL – Interview no5 (United Societies of Balkans)
1.1.6 YAMNFL – Interview no6 (The Future Now Association)
1.1.7 YAMNFL – Interview no7 (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu)
1.1.8 YAMNFL – Interview no8 (Center for Intercultural Dialogue)
1.1.9 YAMNFL – Interview no9 (NGO Iuventa)
1.1.10 YAMNFL – Interview no10 (ADP-ZID)
1.1.11 YAMNFL – Interview no11 (LDA MOSTAR)
1.1.12 YAMNFL – Interview no12 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.13 YAMNFL – Interview no 13 (Youth 4 Society)
1.1.14 YAMNFL – Interview no14 (Associazione TDM 2000)
1.1.15 YAMNFL – Interview no15 (Center for Intercultural Dialogue)
1.1.16 YAMNFL – Interview no16 (Kosovo Center of Diplomacy)
1.1.17 YAMNFL – Interview no17 (The Future Now)
1.1.18 YAMNFL – Interview no18 (United Societies of Balkans)
1.1.19 YAMNFL – Interview no19 (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu)
1.1.20 YAMFL – Interview no20 (NGO Iuventa)
1.1.21 YAMNFL – Interview no21 (ADP-ZID)
1.1.22 YAMNFL – Interview no22 (Youth 4 Society)
1.1.23 YAMNFL – Interview no23 (LDA Mostar)
1.1.24 YAMNFL – Interview no 24 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.25 YAMNFL – Interview no25 (Associazione TDM 2000)
1.1.26 YAMNFL – Interview no 26 (Kosovo Center of Diplomacy)
1.1.27 YAMNFL – Interview no27 (United Societies of Balkans)
1.1.28 YAMNFL – Interview no 28 (The Future Now Association)
1.1.29 YAMNFL – Interview no 29 (Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu)
1.1.30 YAMNF – Interview no 30 (Center for Intercultural Dialogue)
1.1.31 YAMNFL – Interview no 31 (NGO Iuventa)
1.1.32 YAMNFL – Interview no 32 (ADP-ZID)
1.1.33 YAMNFL – Interview no 33 (Youth 4 Society)
1.1.34 YAMNFL – Interview no 34 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.35 YAMNFL – Interview no 35 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.1.36 YAMNFL – Interview no 36 (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)
1.2 Blogs related to NFL
1.2.a Blog written by Amil Brkovic (LDA Mostar)
1.2.b Blog written by Jessica Vagni (United Societies of Balkans)
1.2.c Blog written by Nia Donova (The Future Now Association)
1.2.d Blog written by Begüm Seyhan (Türkonfed)
1.2.e Blog written by Joan Bushi (Youth 4 Society)
1.2.f Blog written by Mateja Lozar (Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto)
1.2.g Blog written by Sara Kljajic (LDA Mostar)
1.2.h Blog written by Andrijana Tashevska (CID)
1.3 Articles written by Project Partners:
1.3.a Article written by Türkonfed
1.3.b Article written by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4. Focus Groups
1.4.1 First Focus Group organized by Youth 4 Society
1.4.2 First Focus Group organized by The Future Now Association
1.4.3 Second Focus Group organized by The Future Now Association
1.4.4 First Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.5 Second Focus Group organized by Youth 4 Society
1.4.6 First Focus Group organized by Türkonfed
1.4.7 First Focus Group organized by LDA Mostar
1.4.8 First Focus Group organized by Kosove Center of Diplomacy
1.4.9 Second Focus Group organized by LDA Mostar
1.4.10 First Focus Group organized by Associazione TDM 2000
1.4.11 First Focus Group organized by United Societies of Balkans
1.4.12 Second Focus Group organized by Kosovo Center of Diplomacy
1.4.13. Second Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.14 First Focus Group organized by Center for Intercultural Dialogue
1.4.15 Second Focus Group organized by Türkonfed
1.4.16. Second Focus Group organized by Associazione TDM 2000
1.4.17 Second Focus Group organized by United Societies of Balkans
1.4.18. Third Focus Group organized by Türkonfed
1.4.19 Third Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.20 First Focus Group organized by NGO IUVENTA
1.4.21 Second Focus Group organized by NGO IUVENTA
1.4.22 First Focus Group organized by ADP-ZID
1.4.23 Second Focus Group organized by ADP-ZID
1.4.24 Fourth Focus Group organized by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
1.4.25 Second Focus Group organized by Center For Intercultural Dialogue
1.5 YAMNFL – Erasmus Days Celebration 2020
1.6. Questionnaire on NFL
Catalogue of Inspiring Stories about Non-Formal Learning (ENGLISH)