


People Organize Prevention of Water Overflow – POPoWO 

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Strengthening the role of civil society by initiating dialogue in the area of ​​Popovo polje in order to consolidate political learning and representation of farmers, […]

MO.START-V – MOstar.STrategies and Activities to Realize Training in Videojournalism

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To improve the economic development of Mostar while increasing employment opportunities for young people through training in the field of video journalism …

Adriatic Seaways

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Promotion of creating a model of integrated tourism development and support for the preservation of the cultural heritage of a certain territory through joint initiatives […]

“Youth – Right direction” projects for promotion of Programme “Youth in Action“

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The program “Youth in Action” deals with the promotion and visibility of programs intended for young people within the Southeast Europe area…

Pearl.EU – Platform Enhancing Adriatic Regions Links in Europe

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Overcoming specific, legal, administrative, linguistic and cultural barriers by developing common standards …

Support to the micro-economic initiatives of women in Mostar

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Support to capacity development for women in the tourism sector with emphasis on tourist guides …

MAHLDE.NET – Mare Hadriaticum Local Democracy Cross Border Network

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Strengthening institutional cooperation among political, economic and social actors is included in the activities for the development of local democracy in the cross-border area of […]
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