Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning – Phase 2 (YAMNFL2)
Timespan: 01/12/2023 – 30/11/2025
Donor:European Union / ERASMUS+ Programme
Budget: 267.643,00 EUR
Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Partners: United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B)(Greece); ZID Udruženje (Montenegro), TDM 2000 (Italy); NGO Iuventa (Serbia); YOUTH 4 SOCIETY (Albania).
Description: The project “Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning – phase 2” / YAMNFL2 is a continuation of the successfully implemented Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning project from 11/2020-05/2022 approved by the ERASMUS-JOUTH-2019-CB program. Phase 2 involves 6 partners and 6 associate partners from the program and WB countries, which aims to build the capacities of youth through participation in non-formal education activities and the ability to recognize competencies gained outside the formal educational environment, to enhance the employability of youth through innovative methodology. On 20/12/2012, the Council of the European Union issued a recommendation (2012/C 398/01) urging the EU countries to develop and empower ways of recognizing the NFL. Since then, a lot has been done in the member states, but such work was not conducted in the countries of the WB. Within these actions, we want to involve youth NGOs (responsible for developing NFL activities), other CSOs (that work with disadvantaged groups focused on youth), public institutions (responsible to design firm policies), private business companies (aiming at increasing the skills and recognition by employers of NFL competences), and young people. The beneficiaries of the action will join the 2-year journey to get the knowledge of best practices used in their local realities, features of NFL for increasing (self)employability, to collect inspiring successful stories, to develop dedicated tools and methods, and to get trained to directly work on the field.
Aims of the project: Strengthening the capacity of young people aiming to improve and strengthen their skills and competencies through innovative methods, which will contribute to greater employability of youth in EU and WB countries.
Specific objectives:
SO1: raising the capacity of organizations that work with young people and for young people, with focus on the underrepresented youth, to support the development of their competences for the labor market through the acquisition of non formal learning;
SO2: the creation of a stimulating environment for young people, through the provision of innovative tools for strengthening their skills, which will contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment;
SO3: creation of WB and EU countries network to improve cooperation encourage youth activism and greater involvement of young people in advocating for participative democracy in decision-making processes.
Target Groups: Youth and youth workers, youth organizations, young people, stakeholders (public institutions, CSOs, etc.); business startups, etc.
Results: With the results gained in phase 1, the action will involve existing youth ambassadors and introduce new beneficiaries from 6 states, equally covering WB and EU countries, that will build their capacities, but also act on the local level.
Kick-off Meeting in Tirana, Albania – 07.02.- 10.02.2024.
First Dissemination Conference in Mostar – 22.02.2024.
First Panel Discussion in Mostar 26.03.2024.
International Seminar in Podgorica, Montenegro 02.-08.06.2024.
Design Thinking Lab Methodology
Webinar 1 (12.05.2024.) & Webinar 2 (16.07.2024.)
Training Course in Cagliari, Italy 02.08. – 08.08.2024.