
Speed Date a Politician

Timespan:01/08/2014 - 15/10/2014
Donor:Council of Europe / Principality of Liechtenstein
Applicant:Youth Council of the City of Mostar (Mostar / Bosnia and Herzegovina)
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Speed Date a Politician

Timespan: 01/08/2014 – 15/10/2014

Donor: Council of Europe  / Principality of Liechtenstein

Applicant: Youth Council of the City of Mostar (Mostar / Bosnia and Herzegovina) 

Partner: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (Mostar / Bosnia i Herzegovina) 

Description: Why Mostar and this project? Let’s start with the fact that it is the only city where local elections were not held. There are many reasons for that, the consequences are even more terrible. Is there a cure for these reasons ?! Rare but not impossible. This project is a small penicillin and a bright spot at the end of the Mostar tunnel.

The idea of ​​the project is for young people to ask 36 key questions to young politicians who represent the future of the Mostar political scene and who will fight for a better future in our city. The “Quick Connection with Politicians” will be recorded, documented and published on the websites of the Youth Council of the City of Mostar (www.vmgm.org) and the Local Democracy Agency Mostar (www.ldamostar.org).

Work? Social protection? Corruption? Bribe? Incentives? How to activate young people?

We want to hear answers from our future representatives on the political scene.

Read the transcript of the answers to 36 key questions addressed by the young people of the city of Mostar to the representatives of the youth of political parties in the city of Mostar HERE.

Objective: to increase the responsibility and participation of young politicians on the political scene of Mostar, and to increase the motivation of young people to go to the polls in 2014.

Programme of activities:

  1. Informational meetings with representatives of the parties in Mostar
  2. Publishing of a call for young people to deliver key questions that will be set to the “speed date” event
  3. Media promotion of the event
  4. Selection of the committee for the selection of questions
  5. Selection of 36 key questions for young people
  6. “Speed ​​date” event is designed to provide an opportunity for representatives of 12 youth representatives of political parties, and 12 young volunteers meet and talk. Each volunteer will have three questions to ask to speed date each youth representative of political parties, to see the views of all political parties on each issue separately. A total of 36 questions will be asked each representative of a political party. Individual conversations are limited to the duration of 10 minutes.
  7. Making a transcript of the recorded responses
  8. Publication of questions and answers on web sites of project partners

Expected Results: 

  • At least 10 young representatives of political parties were involved in the “Speed ​​Date” event
  • At least 10 young people (volunteers) were involved in the “Speed ​​Date” event
  • 36 key questions for young people in Mostar were defined