Timespan: August 2009 – March 2011
Donor: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) in accordance with the Regional Law 19/2000, on regional and local levels for promotion of activities of co-operation and international partnership.
Applicant: Province of Gorizia (Italy)
Partners: Kallipolis – non profit organization for sustainable urban development (Trieste/Italy); Luchetta Ota D’Angelo Hrovatin Onlus Fundation (Trieste/Italy); Local Democracy Agency Mostar (Mostar/Bosnia and Herzegovina); LINK Mostar (Mostar/Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Discription: This Project, aside from the professional education part, wants to stimulate young people and general citizenry to participate in the public life of Mostar. The research subject of the Project
is “public city spaces”. Considering the importance of communication of this sector in the global context and its development, the Project intends to professionally enable a group of young people in the field of independent video-journalism, which should serve them as a tool for comparison, learning, stimulation of dialogue and intercultural exchanges. By using the means of communication and through the research of public spaces, young people can understand social and cultural connections the city hides, and in that manner become active participants in civil society. The Video-journalism Workshop is led by the Italian freelancer,
documentary film expert, Mr. Gianpaolo Rampini. The final result of this Workshop will be a documentary film on contemporary Mostar, created in an independent manner by the workshop participants. In parallel to that, the Project envisages realisation of a two-day Participatory Projection Workshop, intended to all citizens of the City of Mostar, City authorities, during which the issue of management of public spaces will be discussed, and possible perspectives of future City development will be “planned” jointly. At the end, the Project envisages another phase of education for young people in the form of “Starting a Business“ Workshop, which is intended for participants, students of the Video-journalism School, during which a year-long business
plan will be developed. This Workshop will also be useful in the event of registration of a possible entrepreneurial action, since this Project assumes opening of a Centre for independent video-production, which would be managed by the workshop participants and which would have the support of the Youth Cultural Centre Abrašević (OKC Abrašević), whose premises currently host the Video-journalism School.
This would enable a group of video-journalism enthusiasts to continue with their work and thus create their own working positions. The Project aims to professionally capacitate young people in the field of independent video-journalism as a tool for comparison, learning, stimulation of dialogue and intercultural exchanges.
General Objective: To improve economic development of Mostar through increasing employment opportunities for young people.
Specific Objective(s):
1. Increase knowledge and skills of young people in the field of independent video journalism under the subject of investigation “Mostar: a contemporary city in the south-eastern Europe.”
2. Increase knowledge and skills of young people in the star-up business.
3. Promote dialogue between cultures and the participation of citizens on possible future scenarios of development of Mostar.
4. Promote self-development business.
5. Make citizens of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia aware of issues relating to contemporary cities through the independent video documentary tool.
Activities realised in 2010:
– Professional training in independent video-journalism;
– Participatory Planning Workshop.
Activities realised in 2011:
– Expert course on starting a business;
– Starting a Centre for independent videoproduction;
– Final Conference and presentation of the documentary film in Mostar. The Conference was hosted by LDA Mostar;
– Final Conference and presentation of the documentary film in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.