

Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” Country: Slovenia Organisation: DRPDNM Interviewee: Dr.Petra Javrh As part of the Youth Ambassadors for Non-Formal Learning, DRPDNM conducted an interview with employees of Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, leading organization in the field of Non-Formal Learning in Slovenia, the questions were answered by Dr. Petra Javrh with the help of her...
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B/H/S Online Webinar “Turizam u vrijeme krize Covid-19: potencijal za lokalni razvoj” Dana, 06.11.2020. godine putem Zoom aplikacije održan je Online Webinar o utjecaju Covid-19 panedemije na turizam u Mostaru ali i citavoj Bosni i Hercegovni. Webinar predvođen Agencijom lokalne demokratije Mostar, ugostio je renomirane stručnjake iz oblasti turizma: -doc. dr. Irma Dedić, Voditeljica Studija...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning”   Interview with Mateja Lozar: When you are forced to think with your head… Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto conducted, as part of Erasmus+ project Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning, an interview with Mateja Lozar, future psychotherapist, about non-formal education among youth. Country: Slovenia Organisation: DRPDNM Interviewee: Mateja Lozar...
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B/H/S Online Webinar “Turizam u vrijeme krize Covid-19: potencijal za lokalni razvoj” Radite u ugostiteljsko-turističkom sektoru, student/ica ste turizma, indirektno ste povezani s ovom oblasti ili Vas jednostavno zanima šta se dešava s lokalnim turizmom u Mostaru za vrijeme globalne pandemije? Odgovore na mnoge upitnike možete pronaći na našem online webinaru “Turizam u vrijeme krize...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” Country: Slovenia Organisation: DRPDNM Interviewee: Matej Guid In this interview we spoke to Dr. Matej Guid, the director and founder of InstaText, the winner of this year's Startup of the Year Award in Slovenia. InstaText ( is a very useful tool or platform for all those who use...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” Country: Albania Interviewer: Vilma Dervishi Interviewee: Silvia Dervishi, Project Coordinator at Beyond Barriers Date and location: 02.06.2020 , Tirana List of questions for the interview Is the law defining NFE in your country? If yes, please describe what the law says. In Albania there is no specific law...
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Poziv za dostavljanje priča o neformalnom obrazovanju Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar u sklopu projekt Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih provodi drugo po redu istraživanje na temu neformalnog obrazovanja. U procesu smo kreiranja i izrade „Kataloga dobrih priča i praksi“. Ovaj Katalog smo zamislili kao jednu šaroliku zbirku inspirativnih (pisanih i video) priča o tome kako...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” Country: Montenegro Interviewer: Milena Scepanovic Interviewee: Katarina Vukadinovic, Secretariat for Social Activities at Municipality of Budva Date and location: July 11, 2020, Budva List of questions for the interview Is there a law defining NFE in your country? If yes, describe what the law says? For now, there is...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” Country: Serbia Interviewer: Dijana Puskar Interviewee: Jelena Zlatkova, Professor in Gymnasium and President of NGO ” World of Words” Date and location: Velika Plana; 18.06.2020 List of questions for the interview What is non-formal education to you? Non-formal education includes all the knowledge and competencies that we acquire during...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” Country: North Macedonia Interviewer: Andrijana Tashevska Interviewee: Dragan Atanasov – Secretary General of Union for Youth Work The Union for Youth Work is a national network of organizations working in the field of recognition, standardization and professionalization of youth work in North Macedonia, acting as a national association of...
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LDA Mostar

Aktivnosti LDA Mostar fokusirane su na kreiranje aktivnog građanstva s jedne,  te transparentnih i odgovornih vlasti s druge strane,  s krajnjim ciljem uspostavljanja modernog i demokratskog društva.