
BRIDGE (part 3) – Stefano Paggani's Exhibition “Everything will be OK”

ENGLISH version

“Everything will be OK” is the Exhibition of artist Stefano Paganni, that wrapped 9th Edition of the Street Arts Festival Mostar. This Event was organized at the premises of Youth Cultural Center „Abrasevic“. It is result of long-lasting cooperation between Street Arts Festival Mostar and Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar) with traditional support of the German Embassy in Sarajevo.

This is the third year in a row that the BRIDGE Project has been implemented and that LDA Mostar is supporting the Street Arts Festival Mostar with the aim of promoting German urban culture.

Although Festival was not able to host the graffiti artist from Berlin due to epidemiological reasons, the program was successfully realized and we had opportunity to present artist's work via video clip. His exhibition made a great interest within our audience.

The event was followed with Music Program of the Bass Collective Jah Forcefield from Sarajevo and the Fire Show Performance of Aleksandra – Zlex Dom.

Stefano Paganni a.k.a. SubO is a artist who has been living and working in Berlin for 30 years. His art is easily noticable and often very present on the streets of this „metropolis of street art“. He is also recognizable by his fictional „Oki-Doki“ character that he made up as a commentary on everyday situations and as an answer to questions on the urban environment.

This year, streets of Mostar will also get the stamp of its sympathetic character. The organizers have envisioned an interesting way for his intervention, that will be realised during the month of October. Another creative and interesting activity of this Project is gathering of young talents from Mostar (high school students) that will paint their first and joint mural at the Bambi kindergarten.

Festival is officially closed but the inspiration from Berlin is not over as we step into autumn with more vibrant colors and activities on our streets.

For the overall experience, we're inviting you to check our Photo Gallery  and watch Live stream of the event.

B/H/S verzija

„Everything will be OK“ ime je izložbe umjetnika Stefana Pagannija kojom je zatvoreno 9. Izdanje Street Arts Festivala u Mostaru. Događaj je organiziran u Omladinskom kulturnom centru Abrašević pod okriljem LDA Mostar i uz podršku Njemačke Ambasade u Sarajevu.

Ovo je treća godina za redom da se realizira BRIDGE projekt i da LDA Mostar daje podršku Street Arts Festivalu Mostar s ciljem promocije njemačke urbane kulture .

Iako Festival nije bio u mogućnosti ugostiti umjetnika iz Berlina zbog epidemioloških razloga, ipak se uspješno i kvalitetno realizirao program te predstavio grafiter Stefano Paganni, čija je izložba  veoma zainteresirala publiku, a također su organizirane i video projekcije na kojima se moglo vidjeti nastajanje njegovih  grafiti radova.

Događaj je upotpunjen i muzičkim programom bass kolektiva Jah Forcefield iz Sarajeva te fire show performansom Aleksandre – Zlex Dom.

Inače, Stefano Paganni aka SubO je berlinski umjetnik koji živi i radi u Berlinu već 30 godina. Njegova umjetnost je prepoznatljiva i često vrlo prisutna na ulicama ove metropole ulične umjetnosti, a prepoznatljiv je po Oki-Doki izmišljenom karakteru kao komentar na svakodnevne situacije i simpatičan odgovor na pitanja urbane sredine.

Ove godine također će i mostarske ulice ipak dobiti pečat njegovog simpatičnog karaktera. Organizatori su osmislili zanimljiv način za njegovu intervenciju koja će se izvesti tokom mjeseca oktobra. Još jedna kreativna i zanimljiva aktivnost ovog projekta je okupljanje mladih talenata iz Mostara- srednjoškolaca iz različitih škola koji oslikavaju svoj prvi i zajednički mural na vrtiću Bambi.

Festival jeste zvanično završio ali inspiracija Berlinom nije prestala i zakoračit ćemo u jesen s još boja i aktivosti na ulicama.

Za cjelokupni dojam, pozivamo Vas da pregledate našu Galeriju Fotografija i pogledate Live stream događaja.


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