

LDA Mostar Agencija
Representatives of LDA Mostar, the City of Mostar and Street Arts Festival Mostar were part of the First International Event held through the online platform on June 4 within STARproject! The event brought together more than 100 participants interested in street art and the impacts it has on society in general with a focus on...
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Interview Project “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” As a part of  “YOUth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning” research activities, from now on, we will post Interviews with relevant stakeholders discussing topic of Non Formal Learning/Education. First Interview was conducted by LDA Mostar. Our interlocutor was Denis Pajic, dr. sc., Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law, Dzemal...
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Kulturno nasljeđe kao moćan pokretač zajednice Više od 130 sudionika sa Zapadnog Balkana i Europske unije, kao i međunarodni sudionici, okupili su se 28. maja/svibnja kako bi sudjelovali na završnom međunarodnom događaju „Obnova nasljeđa: novi život za napuštene industrijske, vjerske, vojne ili javne zgrada“. Događaj je organiziran u sklopu projekta CLINK – Kulturno nasljeđe kao...
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Cultural Heritage as a potent driver for community action More than 130 participants from Western Balkans and European Union as well as the international participants gathered virtually on 28th of May to be a part of the Final International Event “Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings”. The event was...
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Finalni međunarodni događaj projekta CLINK – Obnova nasljeđa: novi život za napuštene industrijske, vjerske, vojne ili javne zgrade Finalni međunarodni događaj „Obnova nasljeđa: novi život za napuštene industrijske, vjerske, vojne ili javne zgrade“ organiziran u okviru projekta CLINK – Kulturno nasljeđe kao spona  različitosti Evrope, održat će se online 28. maja/svibnja, 2020. godine od 12:00-14:00...
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Final International Event of the project CLINK – Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings The Final International Event “Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings” organized within the framework of the project CLINK  – Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe, will take place online...
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How is Non-Formal Learning perceived and ranked in your country – help us find out! As a part of Youth Ambassadors for Non-Formal Learning (YAMNFL) activities, project partners are conducting a research within their respective countries on existing policies related to recognition and validation of Non-Formal Learning (NFL) as well as on successful stories of...
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Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih – početak jedne uzbudljive i  izazovne inicijative   Ambasadori za neformalno obrazovanje mladih je inicijativa za suradnju koju je pokrenulo 11 organizacija civilnog društva iz EU-a, Zapadnog Balkana i Turske, a koja ima za cilj promicanje sudjelovanja u aktivnostima neformalnog obrazovanja i snagu validacije i priznavanja kompetencija stečenih izvan formalnog...
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Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning – the beginning of an exciting and challenging initiative   Youth Ambassadors of Non-Formal Learning is a cooperation initiative launched by 11 CSOs from the EU, Western Balkans and Turkey which aims at promoting participation in Non-Formal Education activities and the power of validation and recognition of competences acquired outside the...
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Objavljeno je izvješće o aktivnostima Agencije lokalne demokratije Mostar za 2019. godinu. LDA Mostar tim je iznimno vrijedno radio proteklu godinu dana, kao i uvijek, entuzijastično ulažući napore u svrhu demokratizacije društva koristeći različite teme, metode i alate. U 2019. godini radili smo na: 12 projekta velikom broju lokalnih aktivnosti sudjelovali na brojnim međunarodnim događajima...
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LDA Mostar

Aktivnosti LDA Mostar fokusirane su na kreiranje aktivnog građanstva s jedne,  te transparentnih i odgovornih vlasti s druge strane,  s krajnjim ciljem uspostavljanja modernog i demokratskog društva.