
Elect Mostar (mock elections activity)

The action “Elect Mostar” was organized by group of young activists from Mostar on October 2, 2016. The citizens of Mostar had the opportunity to vote at three polling stations: Spanish Square, Musala Square and the plateau in front of Mepas Mall from 10:00 to 19:00.

This mock elections gave opportunity to citizens to express their opinion regarding the failure to hold real elections in the last 8 years! This was unique opportunity for citizens of Mostar to raise their voices and send a clear message:

– We have the right to vote and to be elected,

– We have the right to have functional local authority,

– We have the right to rule this city.

It is important to emphasize that initiative came exclusively from young citizens without any political party influence.

Despite unfavorable weather conditions, Elect Mostar attracted over 663 voters who answered the following questions:

1) Do you see yourself in living in Mostar for the next 10 years (75% of voters answered YES and 24.60% answered NO)

2) 1.67 out of 5 is the average rate of satisfaction with the current situation in the city of Mostar

3) If “real” elections were held in Mostar, 89.35% answered that they would vote, and 10.65% would not vote at all.

4) 95% of “voters” answered that non-holding of elections threatens their fundamental human rights, and only 5% voted negatively

The results of the Elect Mostar campaign will be submitted to the City Election Commission, the Central Election Commission, government institutions, the Office of the High Representative, the Office of the Ombudsman, the OSCE, the Delegation of the European Union and the Constitutional Court BiH.

This action is part of the activity “Youth taking over day” project Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue implemented by Local Democracy Agency Mostar. Project aims to increase awareness of youth participation in society and the local community.

The action was supported by:

– Local Democracy Agency Mostar

– Youth Council of the City of Mostar

– Youth and Cultural Center Abrasevic

– Association of Young Psychologists

Media coverage:

– http://www.fena.ba/article/884393/akcija-izbori-se-za-mostar-2-oktobra

– http://hms.ba/mostar-u-nedjelju-izbori-se-za-mostar/

– http://abrasmedia.info/content/uli%C4%8Dna-akcija-%E2%80%9Eizbori-se-za-mostar%E2%80%9C

– https://www.mreza-mira.net/58644-izbori-se-za-mostar/

– http://www.pogled.ba/clanak/u-nedjelju-akcija-mladih-mostara-izbori-se-za-mostar/98077

– http://m.dw.com/bs/u-mostaru-nema-izbora-ali-%C4%87e-se-ipak-glasati/a-35935214

– http://www.federalna.ba/bhs/vijest/179337/u-gradu-na-neretvi-nema-izbora-ali-ce-se-ipak-glasati

– http://dnevni-list.ba/web1/i-mostarci-ce-glasovati-u-nedjelju-neki-s-26-godina-prvi-put/

– http://www.federalna.ba/bhs/vijest/179334/federacija-plus-01102016

– http://www.bhrt.ba/vijesti/bih/mostar-izbora-nemaali-ima-akcija-izbori-se-za-mostar/

– http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2016&mm=10&dd=02&nav_category=167&nav_id=1183215

– http://www.radiosarajevo.ba/vijesti/bosna-i-hercegovina/izbori-se-za-mostar-u-gradu-na-neretvi-ipak-glasaju/239891

– http://prvi.tv/vijesti/lokalni-izbori-2016/foto–izbori-se-za-mostar–i-mostarci-zele-birati-i-biti-birani/78582

– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ximM-Ak_pQ&feature=share

– http://www.vecernji.ba/mostarci-se-izjasnjavaju-o-stanju-u-gradu-1118023

– http://ba.n1info.com/a115367/Vijesti/Vijesti/Akcija-gradjana-Simbolicno-glasanje-u-Mostaru.html

– http://prvi.tv/vijesti/lokalni-izbori-2016/foto–izbori-se-za-mostar–i-mostarci-zele-birati-i-biti-birani/78582

– http://www.nacional.hr/mostarci-glasuju-u-znak-prosvjeda-sto-nema-izbora/

– http://direktno.hr/en/2014/dijaspora/63022

– http://www.vecernji.hr/svijet/u-mostaru-nema-izbora-ali-ce-se-ipak-glasati-1118000

– http://abrasmedia.info/content/foto-odr%C5%BEana-akcija-%E2%80%9Eizbori-se-za-mostar%E2%80%9C

– http://www.radiosarajevo.ba/vijesti/bosna-i-hercegovina/izbori-se-za-mostar-u-gradu-na-neretvi-ipak-glasaju/239891

– http://www.bhrt.ba/vijesti/bih/mostar-izbora-nemaali-ima-akcija-izbori-se-za-mostar/

– http://www.bljesak.info/rubrika/vijesti/clanak/izbori-u-mostaru-gradani-nezadovoljni-ali-ne-odlaze/171647

– http://www.bljesak.info/mob/clanak/171647

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