Održan seminar “Beyond Barriers” u Mostaru
Seminar omladinske politike “Beyond Barriers”, održan je u Mostaru (Bosna i Hercegovina) 28. i 29. oktobra/listopada, 2015. godine, sa fokusom na socijalno uključivanje mladih ljudi sa smanjenim mogućnostima u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, a istraživao je šta se realizuje i šta se može poboljšati u sprovođenju politika prema mladima, tako da dovede do povećane socijalne inkluzije mladih ljudi na nacionalnom i lokalnom nivou.
Na panelima i radnim grupama diskutovalo se o različitim relevantnim temama kao što su sprovođenje nacionalnih politika za mlade, ključnim elemenatima za sprovođenje politike: podrška za uključivanje i dobre prakse o inkluziji, a pokušao se dati odgovor na pitanja kao što su kako politika odražava stanje uključivanja mladih i šta nedostaje ili je potrebno poboljšati u okviru politike.
Dženana Dedić, delegat ALD Mostar, te ekspertkinje istraživanja Marijana Rodić i Slađana Petković, koje su angažovane na projektu ALDA “Regionalna platforma za učešće i dijalog mladih Balkana”, predstavile su projektne aktivnosti i rezultate istraživanja i analize. Božina Stešević, omladinski saradnik iz ALD Crne Gore, učestvovao je na seminaru u okviru Job shadowing programa u ALD Mostar.
Seminar je dao mogućnost predstavnicima omladinskih nevladinih organizacija, udruženjima i savetima, univerzitetima, nezavisnim ekspertima, institucijama iz EU i JIE da podele svoja znanja i iskustva, ali i ideje za budućnost.
Korisni linkovi:
Koncept dokument
LDA Mostar at the policy seminar “Beyond Barriers” in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
The youth policy seminar “Beyond Barriers”, held in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 28th and 29th October 2015 and focused on social inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations in South East Europe, explored what is happening and what can be improved in the implementation of youth policies so they can lead to an increasing social inclusion of young people at national and local levels.
The panels and working groups discussed different relevant topic such as the implementation of national youth policies, key elements for policy implementation: support for inclusion and good practices on inclusion, and tried to answer the questions such as how policies are reflecting the situation of youth inclusion and what is missing or needs improving in the policy framework.
Dzenana Dedic, Delegate of LDA Mostar, and the research experts Marijana Rodic and Sladjana Petkovic, engaged with in the ALDA’s project “Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue”, presented the project activities and results of researches and analyses. Bozina Stesevic, youth engagement worker from LDA Montenegro, took part to the seminar within the Job Shadowing program in LDA Mostar.
The seminar gave the opportunity to the representatives of youth NGOs, associations and councils, Universities, independent experts, EU and SEE institutions to share their knowledge and experience but also ideas for future.
Useful links:
Concept paper